Marlon McPherson

UTM Generator

This app allows a user to create sets of custom tracking URLs (UTMs) for use in marketing campaigns. I created this app for boomtime, the digital marketing company I previously worked for.

Preview image of my UTM generator app

This project was an excellent way to learn more about loops, array manipulation, and string concatenation in JS. It's a simple vanilla HTML/JS app that uses a single library (skeleton.css) for style. Managing the logic for multiple conditions was the main challenge. Switches turned out to be a great tool for handling this.

Creating these UTMs for campaigns, especially sets of digital ads or multi-step email campaigns, was always a hassle. The tool provided by Google only generates one UTM at a time, which is obviously going to be a slog when each email might contain 5 or more unique UTMs. My app allows UTMs to be created for entire campaigns in one step, and provides a nice GUI to assist the user with copy+pasting them into campaigns. Because this app was developed specifically for boomtime, it only produces UTMs tooled to boomtime's campaigns.

UTM Generator was used by most of my team during my time at boomtime. We were mostly focused on step-by-step marketing campaigns that required tracking though the entire customer journey, so this tool saved us a lot of time. Though I left the company in 2022, I have continued to maintain hosting for the app.